The Mnemonic Tree Podcast

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Ep.6: The Seven Deadly Sins


Hello and Welcome to this episode of the podcast, "The Mnemonic Tree", where we add a single mnemonic leaf to our Tree of Knowledge. 

Today's episode will be on the seven deadly sins.  Based on Christian theology the seven deadly sins are a classification of vices that were used to instruct and educate followers as to avoid immoral behaviour.  Many other cultures and religions have adapted similar lists to address similar themes.

With that being said, we will begin with a summary from Wikipedia.,_1547.svg


Wikipedia Summary

The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, is a grouping and classification of vices within Christian teachings.[1] According to the standard list, they are pridegreedwrathenvylustgluttony, and sloth, which are contrary to the seven capital virtues. These sins are often thought to be abuses or excessive versions of one's natural faculties or passions (for example, gluttony abuses one's desire to eat).

This classification originated with the Desert Fathers, especially Evagrius Ponticus.[2] Evagrius' pupil John Cassian with his book The Institutes brought the classification to Europe,[3] where it became fundamental to Catholic confessional practices.

The seven deadly sins are discussed in treatises and depicted in paintings and sculpture decorations on Catholic churches as well as older textbooks.[1] The seven deadly sins, along with the sins against the Holy Ghost and the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, are taught especially in Western Christian traditions as things to be deplored.[4]

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The Seven Deadly Sins Mnemonic - LoW PEGGS

(Picture washing seven T–Shirts, each with a deadly sin written on it in bold.  You now hang those seven T-Shirts with giant pegs which make them low to the ground)

1.       Lust

2.       Wrath

3.       Pride

4.       Envy

5.       Gluttony

6.       Greed

7.       Sloth



Five Fun Facts


1.       The deadly sins are sometimes known as “capital” or “cardinal” sins.


2.      The seven deadly sins are considered "deadly" because it is believed they can do terrible damage to the soul.


3.      The now-famous list does not appear in the Bible and may have been made by St. Gregory the Great (540-604).


4.      The antithesis teachings to the seven deadly sins are the seven heavenly virtues.


5.      The seven heavenly virtues are as follows:  Faith, Hope, Charity, Fortitude, Justice, Temperance, and Prudence.


Three Question Quiz


Q.1.  Pope Gregory the Great thought that which sin breeds all the others and is, therefore, the most serious offence?


Q.2.  Dante and Chaucer have used the seven deadly sins as a theme in their writings?   True or False


Q.3.  One of the specific punishments for Gluttony is “To be forced to eat rats, snakes, spiders, and toads.  Is that True or False



Mnemonic Recap


The Seven Deadly Sins Mnemonic - LoW PEGGS

(Picture washing seven T–Shirts, each with a deadly sin written on it in bold.  You now hang those seven T-Shirts with giant pegs which make them low to the ground)

1.       Lust

2.       Wrath

3.       Pride

4.       Envy

5.       Gluttony

6.       Greed

7.       Sloth



Three Question Quiz Answers


Q.1.  Pope Gregory the Great thought that which sin breeds all the others and is, therefore, the most serious offence?

A.  Pride


Q.2.  Dante and Chaucer have used the seven deadly sins as a theme in their writings?   True or False

A.   True


Q.3.  One of the specific punishments for Gluttony is “To be forced to eat rats, snakes, spiders, and toads.  Is that True or False

A.        True

  • Pride - Broken on the wheel

  • Envy - Encased in freezing water

  • Greed - Boiled in oil

  • Wrath - Torn apart, limb from limb

  • Lust - Roasted by fire and brimstone

  • Gluttony - Forced to eat rats, snakes, spiders, and toads

  • Sloth - Thrown into snake pits


There will be no dad jokes today.  I was going to tell you a joke about a sloth crossing the road but unfortunately, it would take too long!



Word of the Week



av-er-is ] Noun

Insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth.



Avarice is another word for greed, which is one of the seven deadly sins.

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